November 23, 2024, is the 328th day of the year (329th in leap years), with 37 days left until year’s end. Falling on a Saturday in the 47th week, today offers 11 unique national day observances that cover themes of appreciation, remembrance, and volunteerism. Whether celebrating beloved pets or raising awareness for mental health, November 23 brings opportunities for connection and gratitude.

Below is a list of all national days celebrated on November 23, each with a brief explanation.
Doctor Who Day: This day marks the anniversary of the first episode of Doctor Who, aired on November 23, 1963. Originally broadcast on BBC TV, this iconic sci-fi show has since grown into a global phenomenon. For dedicated fans, there’s also International Dalek Remembrance Day on December 21 and Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day on December 8.
Family Volunteer Day* (Saturday before Thanksgiving): Established by Points of Light in 1990, Family Volunteer Day encourages families to work together to strengthen their communities. It’s an opportunity for families across the U.S. to make a positive impact through volunteer projects, promoting a spirit of gratitude and giving back.
Fibonacci Day: Named after the mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci, this day celebrates the famous Fibonacci sequence. November 23 (11/23) reflects the sequence’s beginning (1, 1, 2, 3) when written in mm/dd format. Math enthusiasts honor Fibonacci’s legacy and the unique properties of his sequence, which appears in nature, art, and science.
International Aura Awareness Day* (Fourth Saturday in November): Established in 2002, this day promotes understanding of auras—the energy fields believed to surround all living things. It highlights how physical and mental health can affect these energy fields and encourages exploring practices like mindfulness and energy healing to maintain balance.
🔮 Similar themes are celebrated on National Psychic Day, observed on the first Sunday in August, which focuses on heightened perception and understanding beyond the physical realm.
International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day* (Saturday before Thanksgiving): This day provides support and healing for those who have lost loved ones to suicide. Originally designated by the U.S. Congress, the day offers a safe space for survivors to connect, share stories, and honor those they’ve lost, fostering a community of understanding and support.
National Adoption Day* (Saturday Before Thanksgiving): National Adoption Day focuses on raising awareness of the thousands of children in foster care awaiting permanent families. Since its founding in 2000 by a coalition of adoption advocates, the day has helped many children’s dreams come true by finding them loving homes.
National Cashew Day: First celebrated in 2015, National Cashew Day honors the cashew nut. Cashews are not only a popular snack but also valued for their health benefits, providing protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients.
National Eat A Cranberry Day: This special food day invites everyone to enjoy the tangy flavor and nutritional benefits of cranberries. Whether eaten fresh, dried, or in dishes like cranberry relish (which has its own dedicated day), cranberries bring a refreshing taste to holiday meals and are a staple in seasonal recipes.
National Espresso Day: Honoring the beloved strong coffee shot, National Espresso Day is a favorite among coffee lovers. Espresso forms the base for many classic coffee drinks, and enthusiasts celebrate its strong flavor on this day.
☕️ Note that Espresso Italiano Day falls on April 17, and our website offers a full list of coffee-related national days for those interested.
National Thankful for My Dog Day: Created in 2020 by M.Y.O.S. Canine Muscle Formula, this day celebrates the loyalty, companionship, and joy dogs bring to our lives. Whether big or small, dogs are appreciated for their unwavering love and support, making today a special day to show gratitude for our furry friends.
🐶 Explore the full list of national days for dog lovers.
Wolfenoot: Pronounced “wolf-uh-noot,” Wolfenoot was created by a seven-year-old in New Zealand to celebrate kindness and honor the Spirit of the Wolf. On this day, small gifts are hidden around the house, especially for those who have been kind to dogs. The holiday encourages roast meat (in honor of wolves) and moon-themed cakes, promoting compassion for animals and celebrating our “pack”—both human and canine.
National Days in November
November 1 | November 2 | November 3 | November 4 | November 5 | November 6 | November 7 | November 8 | November 9 | November 10 | November 11 | November 12 | November 13 | November 14 | November 15 | November 16 | November 17 | November 18 | November 19 | November 20 | November 21 | November 22 | November 23 | November 24 | November 25 | November 26 | November 27 | November 28 | November 29 | November 30
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➡️ Complete list of all November National Days, Weeks and Months
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