November 5, 2024 is the 309th day of the year (310th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar, leaving 56 days until the end of the year. Falling on a Tuesday in the 45th week, this day features seven national and international celebrations. From honoring redheads and raising tsunami awareness to observing cultural and sports traditions, November 5 offers diverse ways to reflect, learn, and enjoy.

National Days on November 5
National Days on November 5th

Below is a list of all national days taking place on November 5, each with a brief explanation.

American Football Day: This day celebrates the sport that has become a defining part of American culture. As mid-season arrives, American Football Day encourages fans to check in on their favorite teams and perhaps their fantasy football leagues. It’s a great time to enjoy a game and appreciate the energy and excitement that football brings to millions of fans across the country.

Bonfire Night (also known as Guy Fawkes Night): Celebrated mainly in Great Britain, this event commemorates the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605, when Guy Fawkes and his conspirators attempted to blow up Parliament. On this night, people light bonfires and enjoy fireworks displays, continuing a tradition that has lasted for centuries. While it marks an important historical event, Bonfire Night also serves as an annual autumn celebration.

Election Day (US)*: Held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, Election Day is a key part of the democratic process in the United States. It is the day when voters cast their ballots for public officials, including local, state, and federal representatives. Election Day is a reminder of the importance of civic engagement and the responsibility citizens have to participate in their government.

National Chinese Takeout Day: This day is dedicated to the enjoyment of Chinese cuisine, particularly takeout. It’s a celebration of the flavors and dishes that have become popular in homes across the country. Whether it’s lo mein, fried rice, or General Tso’s chicken, this day encourages people to enjoy their favorite Chinese takeout meals.

National Donut Day (also known as National Doughnut Day): While the main celebration for National Donut Day is held in June, it is also recognized on November 5. This day offers another chance to enjoy a variety of donuts from your favorite shop or homemade. It’s a fun excuse to indulge in these delicious, sweet treats.

National Redhead Day (also known as National Love Your Red Hair Day): This day celebrates the beauty and uniqueness of red hair. It’s one of several days throughout the year dedicated to recognizing redheads, including World Redhead Day in May and Redhead Appreciation Day in September. National Redhead Day encourages those with red hair to embrace their natural color and appreciate its rarity.

World Tsunami Awareness Day: Established in 2015 by the United Nations, this day raises awareness of the dangers posed by tsunamis and the importance of preparedness. Tsunamis can cause widespread devastation, particularly in coastal regions, and this day serves to remind people of the risks and the need for early warning systems to protect the 700 million people at risk worldwide.


➡️  Have you already seen DigitalHyyge’s National Days Calendars 2025?

➡️  Complete list of all November National Days, Weeks and Months

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Last Update: November 5, 2024