November 21, 2024, is the 326th day of the year (327th in leap years), with 39 days remaining until year’s end. Falling on a Thursday in the 47th week, today brings 18 national day celebrations that span cultural, health, and community-centered topics. From supporting rural health initiatives to celebrating the warmth of the Canadian Olympic spirit, November 21 offers opportunities for reflection, awareness, and global connection.

Below is a list of all national days celebrated on November 21, each with a brief explanation.
Alascattalo Day is a quirky Alaskan holiday that celebrates the region’s humor and storytelling tradition through the myth of the Alascattalo—a whimsical creature said to be part moose, part walrus. Originating in the early 20th century as a humorous nod to Alaska’s wild frontier spirit, the Alascattalo was supposedly bred by miners during the Gold Rush, becoming a symbol of the tall tales that Alaskans love to tell. Steven C. Levi, an Alaskan commercial writer, established Alascattalo Day to honor this inventive story, launching the Alascattalo Day Parade in Anchorage, known for its hilariously brief route, covering a single block in about four minutes. Participants dress in funny disguises and step off at precisely 12:03 PM, embodying the playful nature of the holiday.
Beaujolais Nouveau Day* (Third Thursday of November): Celebrated with fanfare in France, Beaujolais Nouveau Day marks the release of the season’s first wine. Under French law, the wine is made available at 12:01 a.m. on the third Thursday in November, only weeks after the grapes are harvested. This day, traditionally marked with festivals and races to distribute the wine worldwide, celebrates the end of the harvest and the start of the wine season.
🍷 Explore 70 days dedicated exclusively to wine plus four full weeks.
False Confession Day: A day to embrace a bit of humor, False Confession Day encourages people to make funny, harmless “confessions.” Whether it’s confessing to something silly or simply sharing a laugh, this day is a lighthearted reminder not to take life too seriously.
Great American Smokeout* (Third Thursday of November): Founded by the American Cancer Society, the Great American Smokeout encourages smokers to start their journey toward quitting. Since its first official event in 1977, this day has inspired countless people across the U.S. to take steps toward a healthier, smoke-free life, often by beginning with a single smoke-free day.
🚭 Download our free 30-day no-smoking challenge to support your journey to quit.
Guinness World Records Day* (Thursday of the second full week in November): This international day invites record-breaking attempts worldwide. Originally inspired by the Guinness Brewery’s quest to create a reference book to settle pub disputes, this day celebrates the unique and incredible achievements featured in the Guinness World Records.
National Children’s Grief Awareness Day* (Third Thursday in November): Created by Highmark Caring Place in 2008, this day raises awareness about the needs of grieving children. Recognizing that loss affects young people differently, it calls on communities to offer support and ensure resources are available for children dealing with grief.
National Gingerbread Cookie Day: This day invites everyone to enjoy some gingerbread cookies, a beloved holiday treat. With origins tracing back to medieval Europe, gingerbread has become a classic symbol of festive cheer, enjoyed in various shapes and flavors.
National Red Mitten Day 🇨🇦: Created by the Hudson’s Bay Company in Canada, National Red Mitten Day encourages Canadians to wear red mittens to show support for their Olympic athletes. Since its inception in 2010, this tradition has raised funds for Canada’s Olympic programs, helping to build a sense of national pride.
National Rural Health Day* (Third Thursday of November): Founded in 2011 by the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH), National Rural Health Day honors the dedication of rural healthcare providers and highlights the unique healthcare challenges faced by rural communities across the United States.
National Stuffing Day: Celebrating the savory side dish often enjoyed during holiday meals, National Stuffing Day is a favorite for fans of this comfort food. Traditionally made with bread, herbs, and seasonings, stuffing has become a holiday staple, especially in American Thanksgiving meals.
National UTI Awareness Day: Created in 2020 by Uqora, National UTI Awareness Day raises awareness about urinary tract infections, one of the most common infections in the United States. This day aims to improve public knowledge on prevention and treatment, supporting health initiatives for urinary health.
Social Enterprise Day 🇬🇧* (Third Thursday of November): As part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, Social Enterprise Day celebrates businesses that prioritize social and environmental missions. Promoted by Social Enterprise UK, this day raises awareness about the contributions of social enterprises that work toward creating a fairer and more sustainable economy.
Use Less Stuff Day* (Third Thursday of November): Held just before major shopping events like Black Friday, Use Less Stuff Day encourages consumers to reduce waste by buying and using less. Since 1994, this day has inspired people to rethink their consumption habits to support environmental sustainability.
World Fisheries Day: This day emphasizes the critical need for sustainable fishing practices and advocates for the rights and improved working conditions of small-scale fishing communities worldwide. It brings attention to challenges fisheries face, such as illegal and unregulated fishing, which threaten ocean health and the livelihoods of millions.
World Hello Day: Celebrated by simply greeting ten people, World Hello Day promotes peace through personal communication. Founded in 1973 as a response to conflict, this day encourages using conversation as a way to resolve disputes and connect with others.
World Pancreatic Cancer Day: Founded in 2014 by the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition, this day brings attention to pancreatic cancer, highlighting the need for greater awareness, research funding, and support for those affected by the disease.
World Philosophy Day* (Third Thursday of November): Established by UNESCO, World Philosophy Day celebrates the importance of philosophy in promoting critical thinking and dialogue. This day fosters intercultural exchange, helping societies address modern challenges by inspiring thoughtful discussions and open-mindedness.
World Television Day: Designated by the United Nations, World Television Day recognizes television’s impact on public awareness and decision-making. Since the first World Television Forum in 1996, this day highlights TV’s role in informing and influencing society, acknowledging its power as a global communication tool.
National Days in November
November 1 | November 2 | November 3 | November 4 | November 5 | November 6 | November 7 | November 8 | November 9 | November 10 | November 11 | November 12 | November 13 | November 14 | November 15 | November 16 | November 17 | November 18 | November 19 | November 20 | November 21 | November 22 | November 23 | November 24 | November 25 | November 26 | November 27 | November 28 | November 29 | November 30
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