March 25 is the 84th day of the year (85th in leap years), with 281 days remaining. As spring gains momentum, this date brings a mix of 12 national and international observances. From honoring the victims of slavery and historical figures to enjoying seafood, March 25 offers something for everyone.

Whether you’re reflecting on history, enjoying a favorite dish, or celebrating human achievements, this day presents many opportunities to observe and learn.

National Days on March 25th
March 25th National Days

Here’s a look at the notable days celebrated on March 25.

National and International Days on March 25

Bed-In for Peace Day commemorates the peaceful protest of John Lennon and Yoko Ono against the Vietnam War in 1969. The couple spent a week in bed at the Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam, using media attention to promote peace instead of violence. They later held another bed-in at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal, where they recorded the song Give Peace a Chance. Their unconventional protest became an enduring symbol of nonviolent resistance and inspired similar demonstrations worldwide. Today, activists use this day to advocate for peace and protest wars and conflicts through creative and symbolic gestures.

Dante Day (Dantedì) honors the legacy of Dante Alighieri, the Italian poet best known for The Divine Comedy, one of the most influential works in world literature. Established in Italy, this day celebrates Dante’s contributions to the Italian language and culture. Schools, libraries, and cultural institutions organize readings, discussions, and exhibits focused on his poetry and its philosophical themes. Dante’s depiction of the afterlife in InfernoPurgatorio, and Paradiso has left a lasting impact on literature, theology, and art, making this day an important tribute to his genius.

International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade: This day honors the millions who suffered and died as a result of the transatlantic slave trade. Between the 16th and 19th centuries, up to 17 million enslaved Africans were forcibly transported to the Americas, enduring horrific conditions on the journey. Many perished before even reaching their destinations, while millions more faced brutal exploitation upon arrival. Established by the UN in 2007, this day not only commemorates the victims but also educates the public about the continued dangers of racism and prejudice. The permanent memorial Ark of Return at the UN Headquarters in New York serves as a solemn reminder of this dark chapter in history.

International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Staff Members: Established in memory of Alec Collett, a former British journalist abducted in 1985 while working for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), this day calls attention to the risks faced by UN personnel working in dangerous conditions. Collett’s remains were discovered in 2009, but many others continue to face threats, with several UN workers kidnapped or detained each year. In 1994, the UN Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel was adopted, reinforcing protections for staff members.

International Day of the Unborn Child is an observance promoted by pro-life organizations to advocate for the protection of unborn children and raise awareness about issues related to abortion. Pope John Paul II established the day to coincide with the Feast of the Annunciation, a Christian celebration of the conception of Jesus. Various countries, including Argentina, El Salvador, and the Philippines, recognize this day as a time to discuss the value of human life before birth. It remains a topic of ethical, religious, and political debate worldwide.

International Waffle Day originated in Sweden (now also celebrated in Norway, Danmark and some other countries), where it is known as Våffeldagen. This delicious holiday celebrates waffles, their history, and their role in culinary traditions across the world. Waffles date back to medieval Europe, where they were cooked between two metal plates over an open fire. Today, they come in various styles, from Belgian waffles to Scandinavian heart-shaped waffles, served with everything from fruit and whipped cream to syrup and chocolate.

There are at least two other days dedicated to waffles:

National American Diabetes Association Alert Day(Fourth Tuesday in March): This day serves as a nationwide wake-up call about the seriousness of diabetes and its impact on millions of Americans. Established by the American Diabetes Association in 1986, this observance urges individuals to assess their risk for type 2 diabetes through educational campaigns and online risk assessments. With nearly 38 million Americans living with diabetes and many more at risk, early detection and lifestyle changes can prevent or delay the disease. Public health organizations use this day to emphasize the importance of maintaining a balanced diet, staying active, and getting regular checkups to manage or prevent diabetes.

National Lobster Newburg Day: This food day celebrates a rich and creamy seafood dish that originated in the late 19th century. The dish was first created by sea captain Ben Wenburg, who introduced his recipe to Delmonico’s restaurant in New York. Originally called Lobster à la Wenburg, a dispute led the restaurant to rename it Lobster Newburg. Made with lobster meat, butter, cream, egg yolks, sherry, and cayenne pepper, this luxurious dish reflects a time when lobster was transitioning from being considered a poor man’s food to a sought-after delicacy. Today, Lobster Newburg remains a classic, enjoyed in fine dining establishments across the country.

National Medal of Honor Day: Established by Congress in 1990, National Medal of Honor Day honors the highest military decoration in the United States. The first Medals of Honor were awarded on March 25, 1863, to six members of Andrews’ Raiders for their bravery during the American Civil War. Since then, 3,468 Medals of Honor have been awarded for acts of valor above and beyond the call of duty.

Maryland Day commemorates the arrival of English settlers in what is now the state of Maryland on March 25, 1634. These settlers, aboard the ships The Ark and The Dove, landed on St. Clement’s Island, laying the foundation for one of the original American colonies. Maryland Day became an official holiday in 1916 and is observed with educational programs, historical reenactments, and celebrations highlighting the state’s rich heritage. The day provides an opportunity to explore Maryland’s role in early American history, from its religious tolerance policies to its contributions to the founding of the United States.

Tolkien Reading Day: This day is a global celebration of the literary works of J.R.R. Tolkien, best known for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Ringstrilogy. Established in 2003 by the Tolkien Society, the day encourages fans to read passages from Tolkien’s books, discuss their themes, and explore the linguistic and mythological depth of his creations. The date, March 25, was chosen because it marks the fall of Sauron in The Lord of the Rings, symbolizing hope and renewal. Libraries, schools, and book clubs worldwide participate by hosting events and discussions that delve into Tolkien’s impact on literature and fantasy storytelling.

National OmazingYou Day: This celebration is dedicated to promoting self-love, self-care, and positive mental well-being. Created in 2021 by motivational coach and author Obioma Martin, this observance encourages people to embrace their worth without judgment and prioritize emotional health. Martin, who has spent years guiding individuals in personal development, established this day to help combat self-doubt and promote inner peace. Observing this day might involve journaling, practicing mindfulness, or simply taking a moment to recognize one’s strengths and achievements.

March 25 brings together 12 national day observances, from commemorating historical events and advocating for human rights to indulging in culinary delights. Whether you spend the day reflecting on history, reading Tolkien, or enjoying a plate of waffles, each celebration offers an opportunity to learn, appreciate, and engage with the world around us.

Which of these observances will you be celebrating today? 😊

National Days in March

March 1 | March 2 | March 3 | March 4 | March 5 | March 6 | March 7 | March 8 | March 9 | March 10 | March 11 | March 12 | March 13 | March 14 | March 15 | March 16 | March 17 | March 18 | March 19 | March 20 | March 21 | March 22 | March 23 | March 24 | March 25 | March 26 | March 27 | March 28 | March 29 | March 30 | March 31


➡️  Have you already seen DigitalHyyge’s National Days Calendars 2025?

➡️  Complete list of March National Days

➡️ Complete list of April National Days

➡️  Curious to see more national and international celebrations? We have dozens of national days lists curated for you!

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Last Update: March 27, 2025