International Youth Day, celebrated annually on August 12, is a United Nations initiative. It recognizes and addresses challenges young people face worldwide. Established in 1999, this day highlights youth empowerment and participation in society.

Each year, International Youth Day adopts a specific theme to highlight pressing youth issues. For instance, the 2017 theme, “Youth Building Peace,” emphasized young people’s role in peacebuilding. In 2019, “Transforming Education” focused on making education more inclusive and equitable. The 2023 theme, “Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World,” aimed to prepare youth for green economy jobs. These themes encourage dialogue and inspire initiatives that empower young people worldwide.

To learn more, the following video explains the origins and aims of International Youth Day, the United Nations’ definition of youth, and the annual themes and activities associated with the day.

Video with International Youth Day Facts

When is International Youth Day?

International Youth Day always takes place on August 12th. Here’s a table for International Youth Day dates up to the year 2030, including the weekday:

2024Monday, August 12
2025Tuesday, August 12
2026Wednesday, August 12
2027Thursday, August 12
2028Saturday, August 12
2029Sunday, August 12
2030Monday, August 12
When is International Youth Day?

History of International Youth Day

International Youth Day started as a United Nations initiative to recognize the importance of youth in shaping the future. In 1999, the UN General Assembly endorsed the recommendation made by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth, which proposed a day to celebrate young people worldwide. The first International Youth Day took place on August 12, 2000.

The day aims to highlight the challenges that young people face and to promote their participation in various societal aspects. Each year, the UN selects a theme to focus on specific issues affecting youth, such as education, employment, and mental health. The theme in 2024 is “From Clicks To Progress: Youth Digital Pathways For Sustainable Development“.

By celebrating International Youth Day, communities around the world engage in activities and events that promote youth development and address the issues they face. This day encourages governments, organizations, and individuals to recognize the potential of youth and to invest in their future.

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Last Update: July 19, 2024