Calling all dog lovers! There’s never been a better time to put your paws up and celebrate man’s best friend. Welcome to our ultimate guide, where every day is a doggone good day!

For all you devoted dog enthusiasts, the fans of the playful pups, the ardent admirers of the loyal hounds, you have landed on the right page! We have sniffed out the best dog-related celebrations and compiled an ultimate list that tail-wags its way through the year, dedicated purely to our canine companions.

Our guide is packed full to the brim with a whopping 74 special dog days, 13 dog-themed weeks, and an impressive 24 dog-dedicated months. Now that’s something to bark about!

Whether you’re looking to pamper your pooch, raise awareness for a worthy canine cause, or simply revel in the sheer joy that dogs bring to our lives, we have got you covered. From the quirky and fun, to the serious and impactful, there’s a special occasion for every dog and every dog lover in our guide.

So leash up, fetch a comfy spot, and get ready to dive into our ultimate guide to dog-related holidays and special days throughout the year. You’re in for a treat!

Complete List of National Dog Days 2024


  • January 14: National Dress Up Your Pet Day #NationalDressUpYourPetDay
  • January 29: Seeing-Eye Guide Dog Anniversary #SeeingEyeGuideDogAnniversary


  • February 2: National Brown Dog Day #NationalBrownDogDay
  • February 2: Sled Dog Day #SledDogDay
  • February 3: Doggy Date Night #DoggyDateNight
  • February 3: National Golden Retriever Day #NationalGoldenRetrieverDay
  • February 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day #PetTheftAwarenessDay
  • February 22: National Walking the Dog Day #NationalWalkingTheDogDay
  • February 23: National Dog Biscuit Day #NationalDogBiscuitDay
  • February 27: World Spay Day #WorldSpayDay


  • March 3: What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day #WhatIfCatsAndDogsHadOpposableThumbsDay
  • March 13: K-9 Veterans Day a.k.a. National K9 Veterans Day #NationalK9VeteransDay #K9VeteransDay
  • March 14: National Dog Theft Awareness Day #NationalDogTheftAwarenessDay
  • March 20: Dogs in Yellow Day #DogsInYellowDay
  • March 23: National Puppy Day #NationalPuppyDay #NationalPuppyDay2024 #nationalpuppyday🐶 #nationalpuppyday❤️ #nationalpuppyday🐶🐾


  • April 6: Every Day is Tag Day #EveryDayIsTagDay
  • April 8: National Dog Fighting Awareness Day #NationalDogFightingAwarenessDay
  • April 10: National Hug Your Dog Day #NationalHugYourDogDay
  • April 11: Dog Therapy Appreciation Day #DogTherapyAppreciationDay
  • April 11: National Pet Day #NationalPetDay #NationalPetDay2024
  • April 19: National Dog Parent Appreciation Day #NationalDogParentAppreciationDay
  • April 21: National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day #NationalBulldogsAreBeautifulDay
  • April 23: National Lost Dogs Awareness Day #NationalLostDogsAwarenessDay
  • April 24: International Guide Dog Day #InternationalGuideDogDay
  • April 27: National Little Pampered Dog Day #NationalLittlePamperedDogDay
  • April 28: National Pet Parents Day #NationalPetParentsDay
  • April 30: National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day #NationalAdoptAShelterPetDay
  • April 30: National Therapy Animal Day #NationalTherapyAnimalDay


  • May 1: International Doodle Dog Day #InternationalDoodleDogDay
  • May 1: National Purebred Dog Day #NationalPurebredDogDay
  • May 5: Mayday for Mutts #MaydayForMutts
  • May 11: National Dog Mom’s Day #NationalDogMomsDay
  • May 14: International Chihuahua Appreciation Day #InternationalChihuahuaAppreciationDay
  • May 20: National Rescue Dog Day #NationalRescueDogDay


  • June 4: International Corgi Day #InternationalCorgiDay
  • June 15: National Dog Dad Day #NationalDogDadDay
  • June 20: Ugliest Dog Day #UgliestDogDay
  • June 21: National Dog Party Day #NationalDogPartyDay
  • June 21: National Take Your Dog to Work Day #NationalTakeYourDogToWorkDay


  • July 21: No Pet Store Puppies Day #NoPetStorePuppiesDay
  • July 26: National Dog Photography Day #NationalDogPhotographyDay
  • July 31: National Mutt Day #NationalMuttDay #NationalMuttDay2024


  • August 1: DOGust 1st a.k.a. Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs #DOGust #DOGust2024
  • August 4: Assistance Dog Day #AssistanceDogDay
  • August 5: Work Like a Dog Day #WorkLikeADogDay
  • August 10: National Spoil Your Dog Day #NationalSpoilYourDogDay
  • August 15: Check the Chip Day #CheckTheChipDay
  • August 19: International Homeless Animals Day #InternationalHomelessAnimalsDay
  • August 22: Never Bean Better Day #NeverBeanBetterDay
  • August 23: International Blind Dog Day #InternationalBlindDogDay
  • August 26: National Dog Day #NationalDogDay #NationalDogDay2024 #nationaldogday🐶 #nationaldogday🐾 #nationaldogday🐶❤️ #nationaldogday🐶🐾
  • August 28: Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day #RainbowBridgeRemembranceDay
  • August 30: National Holistic Pet Day #NationalHolisticPetDay 


  • September 7: Hulk the Dog’s Birthday #HulkTheDogsBirthday
  • September 8: National Dog Walker Appreciation Day #NationalDogWalkerAppreciationDay
  • September 10: Hug Your Hound Day #HugYourHoundDay
  • September 10: National Pet Memorial Day #NationalPetMemorialDay
  • September 16: National AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day #NationalAKCResponsibleDogOwnershipDay
  • September 16: Puppy Mill Awareness Day #PuppyMillAwarenessDay
  • September 16: Responsible Dog Ownership Day #ResponsibleDogOwnershipDay
  • September 23: National Dogs in Politics Day a.k.a. National Checkers Day #NationalDogsInPoliticsDay
  • September 28: Remember Me Thursday #SeeTheLight #RememberMeThursday


  • October 1: National Black Dog Day #NationalBlackDogDay
  • October 1: National Fire Pup Day #NationalFirePupDay
  • October 21: National Fetch Day #NationalFetchDay
  • October 22: National Make a Dog’s Day #NationalMakeADogsDay
  • October 28: Muddy Dog Day #MuddyDogDay
  • October 28: National Pit Bull Awareness Day #NationalPitBullAwarenessDay
  • October 30: National Treat Your Pet Day #NationalTreatYourPetDay


  • November 1: National Cook for Your Pets Day #NationalCookforYourPetsDay #CookforYourPetsDay
  • November 23: National Dog Show Broadcast #NationalDogShowBroadcast
  • November 23: Thankful For My Dog Day #ThankfulForMyDogDay


  • December 1: Operation Santa Paws #OperationSantaPaws
  • December 2: National Mutt Day #NationalMuttDay

National Weeks Dedicated to Dogs

  • February 7-14, 2024: Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week #HaveAHeartForChainedDogsWeek
  • April 1-7, 2024: International Pooper Scooper Week #InternationalPooperScooperWeek
  • April 9–15, 2024: National Dog Bite Prevention Week #PreventDogBites  #NationalDogBitePreventionWeek
  • April 23-29, 2024: National Scoop the Poop Week #NationalScoopThePoopWeek
  • May 1-7, 2024: Be Kind to Animals Week® by American Humane #BeKindtoAnimalsWeek
  • May 5-11, 2024: Puppy Mill Action Week #PuppyMillActionWeek
  • May 5-11, 2024: National Pet Week #NationalPetWeek
  • May 6-12, 2024: Dog Anxiety Awareness Week #DogAnxietyAwarenessWeek
  • August 4-10, 2024: Give a Dog a Bone Week #GiveADogABoneWeek
  • August 4-10, 2024: International Assistance Dog Week #InternationalAssistanceDogWeek
  • September 16-22: Adopt a Less-Adoptable Pet Week #AdoptALessAdoptablePetWeek
  • September 20-26: Deaf Dog Awareness Week #DeafDogAwarenessWeek
  • October 1-7, 2024: National Walk Your Dog Week #NationalWalkYourDogWeek

National Months Dedicated to Dogs

  • January: National Train Your Dog Month #NationalTrainYourDogMonth
  • January: Unchain a Dog Month #UnchainADogMonth
  • January: Walk Your Dog Month #WalkYourDogMonth
  • February: Dog Training Education Month #DogTrainingEducationMonth
  • February: Black Dog And Cat Syndrome Awareness Month #BlackDogAndCatSyndromeAwarenessMonth #BlackDogSyndrome #BlackDogSyndromeAwareness
  • February: Pet Dental Health Month #PetDentalHealthMonth
  • February: Responsible Pet Owners Month #ResponsiblePetOwnersMonth
  • April: Canine Fitness Month #CanineFitnessMonth
  • April: Dog Appreciation Month #DogAppreciationMonth
  • April: National Adopt a Greyhound Month #NationalAdoptAGreyhoundMonth
  • April: Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs Month #PreventLymeDiseaseInDogsMonth
  • May: National Pet Month #NationalPetMonth #NationalPetMonth2023
  • May: National Service Dog Eye Examination Month #NationalServiceDogEyeExaminationMonth
  • June: Social Petworking Month #SocialPetworkingMonth
  • July: National Lost Pet Prevention Month #NationalLostPetPreventionMonth
  • July: Dog House Repair Month #DogHouseRepairMonth
  • August: Itchy Pet Awareness Month #ItchyPetAwarenessMonth
  • September: National Guide Dog Month #NationalGuideDogMonth
  • September: Responsible Dog Ownership Month #ResponsibleDogOwnershipMonth
  • September: Therapy Dog Awareness Month #TherapyDogAwarenessMonth 
  • October: Adopt-A-Dog Month® by American Humane #AdoptADogMonth
  • October: Adopt a Shelter Dog Month #AdoptAShelterDogMonth
  • October: National Pitbull Awareness Month #NationalPitbullAwarenessMonth
  • November: National Pet Cancer Awareness Month #NationalPetCancerAwarenessMonth

We appreciate you joining us on this tail-wagging journey through our guide on special days dedicated to dogs. We hope you found it both delightful and informative!

Before you scamper off, don’t forget we have a pack of other special guides ready to lead you on more exciting adventures. So, make sure to sniff them out:

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National Days,

Last Update: July 18, 2024