Introducing National Unfinished Projects Day: Let’s Finish What We Started!

Date: September 3rd

In our fast-paced world, it’s easier than ever to leave things behind, leading to a growing number of unfinished projects that linger on our to-do lists. These incomplete tasks can sometimes prevent us from reaching a true state of happiness and contentment. From the half-knit scarf stuffed in a drawer to the half-read novel gathering dust on the shelf, we all have something that we intended to finish but never quite got around to. That’s why we’re proposing a new national holiday: National Unfinished Projects Day on September 3rd—a day dedicated to dusting off those incomplete endeavors and finally bringing them to a close.

National Unfinished Projects Day celebrated annually on September 3rd
National Unfinished Projects Day, September 3rd.

Why National Unfinished Projects Day?

Have you ever started something with enthusiasm, only to lose momentum along the way? We all have. But what if there was a way to change that? National Unfinished Projects Day is about reigniting that initial spark of inspiration and finally bringing your projects to fruition. We hope this day offers people the opportunity to experience the satisfaction of seeing something through, the joy of creating, and the peace that comes from clearing both mental and physical space.

On September 3rd, we encourage everyone to take a moment to reflect on their unfinished business—whether it’s a home improvement task, a creative project, or even personal goals. It’s a day to gather the loose ends of your life and tie them up with a sense of accomplishment.

When is National Unfinished Projects Day?

September is a month of transition—summer fades, the school year begins, and many of us start reflecting on what we want to accomplish before the year ends. It’s the ideal time to pause, review, and tackle those lingering tasks that have been left on the back burner. September 3rd is also a day with few other national observances, making it easier for people to embrace and celebrate National Unfinished Projects Day.

Below is a table with the dates (and weekday) for National Unfinished Projects Day in the coming years:

2024September 3, Tuesday
2025September 3, Wednesday
2026September 3, Thursday
2027September 3, Friday
2028September 3, Sunday
2029September 3, Monday
2030September 3, Tuesday
National Unfinished Projects Day is observed September 3 every year.

Famous Unfinished Projects Throughout History

To highlight the importance and sometimes the complexity of finishing what we start, here are some famous unfinished projects that have intrigued the world. Imagine how remarkable these could have been if they had ever reached completion!

Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa”

Despite its fame, some historians believe da Vinci never considered the “Mona Lisa” fully complete. He continued to work on it sporadically until his death, always finding new details to refine.

Gaudí’s Sagrada Familia

The iconic basilica in Barcelona has been under construction since 1882. Antoni Gaudí devoted much of his life to the project, but it remains unfinished to this day, with completion planned for 2026.

Schubert’s Symphony No. 8 (“Unfinished Symphony”)

Franz Schubert began his 8th Symphony in 1822 but left it incomplete with only two movements completed. Despite this, it’s one of his most celebrated works, raising questions about what might have been.

Charles Dickens’ “The Mystery of Edwin Drood”

Dickens’ death in 1870 left this novel unfinished, with readers still wondering how it would have ended. He had only completed six of the planned twelve installments, so the story was just getting started when he passed away. Since then, plenty of writers have tried to wrap it up, but no one knows how Dickens really intended to end it. That mystery just makes the book even more intriguing.

The Colossus of Rhodes

This ancient wonder was destroyed by an earthquake, and despite plans to rebuild it, that never happened. It’s a real shame we never got to see it restored to its former glory. If you want to learn more about the tallest statue of the ancient world, we recommend this video:

How to Celebrate National Unfinished Projects Day

Celebrating this new holiday is simple:

  • Identify: List out all your unfinished projects, big or small.
  • Prioritize: Choose the one(s) you’re most passionate about completing.
  • Plan: Set aside time on September 3rd to work on it—no distractions, just focus.
  • Share: Post your progress or completed projects on social media with the hashtag #NationalUnfinishedProjectsDay and #UnfinishedProjectsDay to inspire others.

National Unfinished Projects Day is all about embracing imperfections, pushing through obstacles, and finally experiencing that sense of accomplishment. From creative projects to home tasks and personal goals, September 3rd is the perfect day to wrap things up and check them off your list.

Before You Go:

We have many more national days lists for you to explore.

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Last Update: September 3, 2024