January 27 is the 27th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar, leaving 338 days until the end of the year (339 in leap years). On this day, 11 national and international celebrations take place, highlighting literacy, history, communication, innovation, and even chocolate cake. It’s a day that combines reflection, education, and fun.

National Days on January 27th
January 27 National Days

Let’s explore the national and international days celebrated on this date!

Better Business Communication Day* (Fourth Monday in January): This day emphasizes the importance of clear and effective communication in both personal and professional settings. It encourages organizations and individuals to improve their dialogue to minimize misunderstandings and foster better decision-making, contributing to more harmonious workplaces.

Community Manager Appreciation Day* (Fourth Monday in January): Established in 2010 by Jeremiah Owyang, this day recognizes the hard work and dedication of online community managers. Often working behind the scenes, they build and nurture communities, making a positive impact on countless individuals.

Family Literacy Day 🇨🇦: Observed annually in Canada, this day promotes the importance of families engaging in reading activities together. It encourages parents to foster a love for reading in children, emphasizing how family involvement enhances literacy and lifelong learning.

Holocaust Remembrance Day / International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust / Auschwitz Liberation Day: Marking the liberation of Auschwitz on January 27, 1945, this solemn day honors the victims of the Holocaust. Established by the United Nations in 2005, it serves as a reminder of the atrocities committed during WWII and underscores the importance of combating hate and prejudice.

National Bubble Wrap Day / National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day* (Last Monday in January): Celebrates the versatile packaging material invented in 1956 by Marc Chavannes and Alfred Fielding. Originally conceived as wallpaper, bubble wrap found its niche as a protective material for shipping and storage, with its satisfying “popping” sound bringing joy to many.

National Chocolate Cake Day: Chocolate lovers rejoice! This day honors the evolution of chocolate cake, from its beginnings as a beverage in the 1700s to the beloved dessert it is today. Early recipes, such as Eliza Leslie’s 1847 creation, laid the foundation for the rich, decadent cakes we now enjoy for celebrations like birthdays and weddings.

🍫 Calling all chocolate lovers! Discover 79+ chocolate-related national days gathered in one ultimate list. Your sweet tooth will thank you! 🎉🍩🍪

National Geographic Day: Celebrates the founding of National Geographic in 1888 and the magazine’s long history of exploring the world. With over 100 years of publication, it has covered topics ranging from the natural world to human cultures, bringing knowledge and discovery to millions.

Punch the Clock Day: This day commemorates the invention of the punch clock by Willard Le Grand Bundy in 1888, which revolutionized time tracking for workers. The innovation ensured accountability and fair pay for employees and remains an essential tool in modern workplaces.

Thomas Crapper Day: Honors the contributions of Thomas Crapper, the Victorian plumber who popularized indoor plumbing and made significant improvements to toilet technology. Often mistakenly credited with inventing the flush toilet, Crapper’s work greatly advanced sanitation and public health.

🚽 A similar day, World Toilet Day, is observed on November 19 to address the global sanitation crisis.

Vietnam Peace Day: Commemorates the signing of the Paris Peace Accords on January 27, 1973, which marked the end of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. This pivotal event ended years of conflict for the United States, though the war in Vietnam continued until 1975.

World Breast Pumping Day: Created in 2017 by Wendy Armbruster, this day acknowledges the dedication and effort of pumping breastmilk. It offers a supportive community for pumping parents, celebrating their accomplishments and normalizing breastmilk feeding as a vital practice for future generations.

National Days in January

January 1 | January 2 | January 3 | January 4 | January 5 | January 6 | January 7 | January 8 | January 9 | January 10 | January 11 | January 12 | January 13 | January 14 | January 15 | January 16 | January 17 | January 18 | January 19 | January 20 | January 21 | January 22 | January 23 | January 24 | January 25 | January 26 | January 27 | January 28 | January 29 | January 30 | January 31


➡️  Have you already seen DigitalHyyge’s National Days Calendars 2025?

➡️  Complete list of January National Days

➡️  Complete list of February National Days

➡️  Complete list of March National Days

➡️  Curious to see more national and international celebrations? We have dozens of national days lists curated for you!

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Last Update: January 26, 2025