January 29 is the 29th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar, leaving 336 days until the end of the year (337 in leap years). On this day, 9 national and international celebrations are observed, ranging from historical anniversaries to unique traditions and awareness campaigns.

National Days on January 29th
January 29 National Days

Let’s explore the national and international days celebrated on this date!

Chinese New Year / Lunar New Year / Spring Festival* (Date varies): Celebrated between late January and mid-February, this festival dates back to the Shang Dynasty (1600 BC). It marks the start of the Chinese lunisolar calendar and includes traditions such as family reunions, red envelopes, and festive meals.

Curmudgeons Day: Honors the birthday of W.C. Fields, a comedian famous for his curmudgeonly characters. This day playfully celebrates the grumpy among us, encouraging light-hearted recognition of those with a cantankerous yet endearing nature.

Freethinkers Day: Commemorates the birthday of Thomas Paine, a revolutionary thinker whose works heavily influenced the American and French revolutions. Celebrated since the 1990s, the day honors liberty, reason, and the fight against abstract authority.

Kansas Day: This day marks Kansas’ admission as the 34th U.S. state in 1861. Observed since 1877, it includes school trips, history lessons, and festivities celebrating Kansas’ heritage and resources.

National Carnation Day / National Red Carnation Day: This day honors President William McKinley, who associated the flower with good luck. It celebrates the beauty of carnations and their significance in U.S. history, particularly in Ohio, McKinley’s home state.

National Corn Chip Day: Recognizes the crunchy snack loved across the U.S. Pair corn chips with your favorite dips and toppings to celebrate this tasty day, which has been observed since at least 2002.

National Puzzle Day: Created in 2002 by Jodi Jill, this day highlights the cognitive benefits of puzzles, from crosswords to jigsaws. Puzzles improve memory, problem-solving skills, and brain function while offering a fun and engaging pastime.

RNLI SOS Day: Supports the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, a volunteer-based organization dedicated to saving lives at sea since 1824. This day raises awareness and funds for their essential work in coastal communities.

Seeing-Eye Guide Dog Anniversary: Celebrates the founding of The Seeing Eye in 1929, the world’s first guide dog training school. This day honors the life-changing contributions of guide dogs and the organization that has improved the lives of countless individuals.

National Days in January

January 1 | January 2 | January 3 | January 4 | January 5 | January 6 | January 7 | January 8 | January 9 | January 10 | January 11 | January 12 | January 13 | January 14 | January 15 | January 16 | January 17 | January 18 | January 19 | January 20 | January 21 | January 22 | January 23 | January 24 | January 25 | January 26 | January 27 | January 28 | January 29 | January 30 | January 31


➡️  Have you already seen DigitalHyyge’s National Days Calendars 2025?

➡️  Complete list of January National Days

➡️  Complete list of February National Days

➡️  Complete list of March National Days

➡️  Curious to see more national and international celebrations? We have dozens of national days lists curated for you!

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Last Update: January 26, 2025