January 19, 2025, falls on a Sunday in the 4th week of the year, leaving 346 days until the start of 2026. This day features 11 national and international observances, ranging from celebrations of food and creativity to thought-provoking initiatives about coexistence, safety, and cultural traditions.

National Days on January 19
January 19 National Days

Artist as Outlaw Day: Celebrates artists who challenge norms and push boundaries, using their creations as a platform for rebellion and change. From Banksy’s thought-provoking graffiti to trailblazing musicians like Bob Dylan, this day honors those who inspire new perspectives and defy conventions.

Brew a Potion Day: A lighthearted nod to magical potion-making, this day invites participants to dress up as witches or wizards and concoct imaginative “potions.” Brew a Potion Day is a whimsical celebration of fantasy and imagination.

Good Memory Day: Encourages people to cherish fond memories from the past while creating new ones for the future. Share laughter over old photos, recall joyful moments, and celebrate the small joys that make life meaningful.

Gun Appreciation Day: Recognizes the importance of gun safety and respectful ownership. First observed in 2013, it promotes discussions about the role of firearms in society while advocating for responsible handling and secure storage practices.

National Imagination Day: Inspires creativity and celebrates the limitless possibilities of the human mind. From art to innovative thinking, this new observance, introduced in 2024, encourages dreaming big and embracing unique ideas that shape our world.

National Popcorn Day: A day to celebrate this beloved snack in all its forms. Whether buttered, caramelized, or tossed with chocolate and nuts, popcorn satisfies cravings for a crunchy treat. Celebrated since at least 1988, it’s a timeless favorite for movie nights and snacking alike.

🍿 Another popcorn-themed holiday, Business of Popping Corn Day, is observed on December 2 to commemorate Charles Cretors’ invention of the first commercial popcorn popper in 1885.

National Tin Can Day: Honors the invention that revolutionized food preservation. Invented in the early 1800s by Philippe Henri de Girard, the tin can extended the shelf life of food, aiding military campaigns and explorations.

Tenderness Toward Existence Day: A quiet celebration of compassion and connection with all living beings. Observed since the 2000s, it reminds us to value every form of life and appreciate the delicate balance of existence on our shared planet.

World Quark Day: Promotes awareness of this high-protein dairy product popular in European cuisine. Introduced in 2019 by the “Queen of Quark,” it showcases quark’s culinary uses, from smoothies to baking, while highlighting its health benefits.

World Religion Day* (Third Sunday in January): Established in 1950 by the Baháʼí Faith, this day fosters unity and understanding among different religions. Observed globally, it encourages dialogue and mutual respect across diverse faiths.

World Snow Day* (Third Sunday in January): Launched in 2012 by the International Ski Federation, this day aims to introduce children and families to winter sports like skiing and snowboarding. It’s a celebration of snow-filled adventures and making lasting memories outdoors.

National Days in January

January 1 | January 2 | January 3 | January 4 | January 5 | January 6 | January 7 | January 8 | January 9 | January 10 | January 11 | January 12 | January 13 | January 14 | January 15 | January 16 | January 17 | January 18 | January 19 | January 20 | January 21 | January 22 | January 23 | January 24 | January 25 | January 26 | January 27 | January 28 | January 29 | January 30 | January 31


➡️  Have you already seen DigitalHyyge’s National Days Calendars 2025?

➡️  Complete list of January National Days

➡️  Complete list of February National Days

➡️  Curious to see more national and international celebrations? We have dozens of national days lists curated for you!

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Last Update: January 26, 2025