January 28 is the 28th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar, leaving 337 days until the end of the year (338 in leap years). On this day, 16 national and international celebrations are observed, ranging from honoring nature and historical figures to celebrating art, toys, and unique traditions.

National Days on January 28th
January 28 National Days

Below is the complete list of national and international days celebrated on this date!

Christa McAuliffe Day: Established in New Hampshire in 2019, this day honors Christa McAuliffe, the Concord teacher selected to join NASA’s Challenger mission. Tragically, she and her crewmates lost their lives when the shuttle exploded shortly after liftoff on January 28, 1986. Her legacy lives on through scholarships, educational institutions, and the inspiration she provided to countless educators and students.

Data Privacy Day: A reminder to evaluate personal cybersecurity and review how our data is used. First initiated in 2007 by the Council of Europe, the observance aims to raise awareness about privacy issues and encourage individuals and organizations to protect sensitive information.

Global Community Engagement Day: Encourages organizations and individuals to engage with their communities to build stronger relationships and foster inclusivity. Established in 2018 by Engage 2 Act, the day celebrates the power of collaboration and connection.

International Lego Day / Lego Day: Celebrates the anniversary of Godtfred Kirk Christiansen’s 1958 patent for the iconic LEGO brick. The beloved toy has inspired creativity across generations and holds a special place in the hearts of people worldwide.

International Reducing CO2 Emissions Day: Encourages everyone to take steps toward reducing their carbon footprint. Actions such as using environmentally friendly vehicles, conserving energy, and adopting sustainable practices contribute to protecting the planet.

National Blueberry Pancake Day: This day celebrates a classic breakfast favorite, inviting people to enjoy a stack topped with fresh fruit, whipped cream, and real maple syrup.

🥞 Did you know there are several national days dedicated to pancakes? The most notable is National Pancake Day, celebrated on September 26, honoring this beloved breakfast classic! 🥳🍯

National Daisy Day: Honors the daisy, a flower symbolizing innocence, purity, and love. Known as the common daisy or English daisy, it has been celebrated for over a century as a reminder of the beauty of nature.

National Gift of the Ladybug Day: Founded in 2022 by Carole Mac, this day raises awareness of children with critical illnesses and celebrates their resilience. Inspired by the book The Gift of the Ladybug, it symbolizes acceptance, peace, and love for children and families facing challenging diagnoses.

National Kazoo Day: Recognizes nearly two centuries of kazoo music in the United States. Celebrated since 1983, this day honors the simple yet joyful instrument that has brought smiles to people of all ages.

National Pediatrician Day: Though unofficial, this day highlights the critical role pediatricians play in ensuring children’s health and well-being. The medical specialty of pediatrics has evolved significantly, with its roots dating back to the early 19th century.

National Plan for Vacation Day* (Last Tuesday in January): Encourages Americans to plan their vacation days early in the year. Launched in 2017 by the U.S. Travel Association, this day promotes the benefits of taking time off for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Pop Art Day: Celebrates the art movement that emerged in the 1950s, characterized by bold colors and imagery inspired by popular culture. Established in 2004 by artist Bob Rizzo, the day honors the creativity and influence of pop art in shaping modern art.

Rattlesnake Roundup Day: A unique tradition originating in 1958 in Sweetwater, Texas, this day brings together communities to manage local rattlesnake populations. Over time, the event has evolved into an educational festival promoting awareness of snake biology and safety.

🐍 A similar observance, World’s Largest Rattlesnake Roundup (March 14–16, 2025) is also held in Sweetwater, Texas. It combines education, festivals, and controlled population management of rattlesnakes.

Speak Up and Succeed Day* (Fourth Tuesday in January): Encourages people to express themselves confidently in public settings. Founded by Mary-Ellen Drummond, this day emphasizes the importance of effective communication skills in personal and professional life.

Thank a Plugin Developer Day: Recognizes the contributions of plugin developers who enhance digital platforms like WordPress. Created by Matt Mullenweg in 2009, it celebrates the innovation and creativity that improve website functionality and user experience.

World Geoffroy’s Cat Day: Highlights the conservation of Geoffroy’s cats, small wild felines native to South America. Celebrated since 2021, the day raises awareness about the species and efforts to protect them from environmental threats.

National Days in January

January 1 | January 2 | January 3 | January 4 | January 5 | January 6 | January 7 | January 8 | January 9 | January 10 | January 11 | January 12 | January 13 | January 14 | January 15 | January 16 | January 17 | January 18 | January 19 | January 20 | January 21 | January 22 | January 23 | January 24 | January 25 | January 26 | January 27 | January 28 | January 29 | January 30 | January 31


➡️  Have you already seen DigitalHyyge’s National Days Calendars 2025?

➡️  Complete list of January National Days

➡️  Complete list of February National Days

➡️  Complete list of March National Days

➡️  Curious to see more national and international celebrations? We have dozens of national days lists curated for you!

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Last Update: January 26, 2025