December 21, 2024, is the 356th day of the year, with just 10 days remaining until the end of the year. With Christmas quickly approaching, the number of national days will slow down, but today is especially busy with 22 national day celebrations that range from seasonal festivities to unique traditions and historical milestones.

Below is a list of all national and international days celebrated on December 21, each with a brief explanation.
Don’t Make Your Bed Day* (First Day of Winter): Sparked by fifth grader Shannon Barba’s 2014 petition, this fun observance is a well-earned break from bed-making. Shannon argued that the shortest day of the year is the perfect excuse to skip the chore and spend a little more time in bed.
Festival of Winter Walks* (Celebrated from the third Saturday of December to the first Sunday of January): This annual event encourages people to embrace the beauty of winter by taking peaceful walks in nature, connecting with the season’s calm and tranquility.
Gravy Day 🇦🇺: Gravy Day honors Paul Kelly’s 1996 Christmas song How to Make Gravy. The bittersweet song tells the story of Joe, an incarcerated man who passes on his holiday gravy recipe to his family. Celebrated on December 21, as mentioned in the song, this day resonates with fans of the beloved Australian tradition.
Humbug Day: Created by Thomas and Ruth Roy, this day gives space for the “Scrooges” among us to vent frustrations during the busy holiday season. It’s also a chance to reflect on simplifying expectations, replenishing joy, and rediscovering the holiday spirit.
International Dalek Remembrance Day: A tribute to the iconic Daleks from BBC’s Doctor Who, this day honors the extraterrestrial villains who have become some of television’s most memorable and feared characters.
International Energy Drink Day* (Winter Solstice): Established by the Hungarian Energy Drink Association (MESZ), this day celebrates energy drinks as a go-to pick-me-up on the shortest day of the year. It’s a timely boost for those battling winter fatigue.
Look On The Bright Side Day* (Winter Solstice): This optimistic observance encourages everyone to focus on positivity and gratitude during the year’s shortest day. It reminds us to find hope and spread light, even when daylight hours are few.
National Armagnac Day: Celebrating a unique kind of French brandy, this day highlights Armagnac, distilled in the Gascony region of southwest France. Known for its history, this spirit is crafted from grapes like Baco 22A and Colombard.
National Coquito Day: A celebration of Puerto Rico’s beloved holiday drink, this creamy, coconut-based beverage is generously flavored with rum. National Coquito Day was started in 2018 by Destileria Serralles, makers of DON Q® rum, though the drink itself has delighted families since the early 1900s.
National Crossword Puzzle Day: Recognizing the invention of the crossword puzzle, this day commemorates Arthur Wynne, a journalist from Liverpool. His first-ever published puzzle appeared in the New York World on December 21, 1913.
National Flashlight Day* (Winter Solstice): Tied to the Winter Solstice, this day serves as a reminder to shine some light during the shortest day of the year. Grab a flashlight and celebrate brightness during the long night ahead.
National French Fried Shrimp Day: A delicious day to enjoy golden, crispy shrimp—a beloved dish savored across the country all year long.
National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day* (Winter Solstice): Observed on the first day of winter, this day honors members of the homeless community who passed away over the past year. Sponsored since 1990, it raises awareness about homelessness and encourages action during the challenging winter months.
National Maine Day: Recognizing the 23rd state to join the union, this day celebrates Maine, the easternmost state in the U.S., known for its natural beauty and rich maritime heritage.
National Short Girl Appreciation Day: A day dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the charm, strength, and uniqueness of shorter individuals.
National Short Story Day* (Winter Solstice): Founded by independent writers and publishers in 2013, this day promotes the art of writing and sharing short stories, encouraging creative expression in a brief yet impactful form.
Phileas Fogg Win a Wager Day: Commemorating Jules Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days, this day marks the fictional date when Phileas Fogg successfully completes his global journey to win a £20,000 wager. Fans of the novel celebrate the triumph of determination and adventure.
Ribbon Candy Day: Inspired by Judy Pancoast, this day celebrates the holiday tradition of ribbon candy. Judy began honoring her late father’s birthday on December 21 by giving away boxes of the candy, spreading joy and holiday nostalgia.
Winter Solstice / First Day of Winter* (Between December 20th and December 23rd): The shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice marks a turning point when daylight hours begin to lengthen. Celebrated with traditions worldwide, it symbolizes renewal and the gradual return of light.
World Basketball Day: Celebrating the global impact of basketball, this day marks the anniversary of its invention by Dr. James Naismith on December 21, 1891. Created to keep students active during the winter, basketball has grown into a worldwide sport played by millions.
World Meditation Day: Proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly, this day is observed on December 21 to raise awareness of meditation and its profound benefits. Highlighting the right of everyone to attain the highest standards of physical and mental health, the day encourages the practice of meditation as a tool for well-being. The General Assembly also acknowledges the complementary relationship between yoga and meditation, emphasizing their combined role in promoting holistic health and balance.
World Snowboard Day: This day celebrates snowboarding’s history and global community. Tracing its origins to Sherman Poppen’s 1960s invention of the “snurfer” for his daughter, World Snowboard Day has been officially celebrated since 2006 as a flagship event for enthusiasts worldwide.
National Days in December
December 1 | December 2 | December 3 | December 4 | December 5 | December 6 | December 7 | December 8 | December 9 | December 10 | December 11 | December 12 | December 13 | December 14 | December 15 | December 16 | December 17 | December 18 | December 19 | December 20 | December 21 | December 22 | December 23 | December 24 | December 25 | December 26 | December 27 | December 28 | December 29 | December 30 | December 31
➡️ Have you already seen DigitalHyyge’s National Days Calendars 2025?
➡️ Complete list of December National Days
➡️ Complete list of January National Days
➡️ Curious to see more national and international celebrations? We have dozens of national days lists curated for you!