Read an eBook Day, celebrated every year on September 18, is a modern celebration of storytelling in the digital age. Since 2014, libraries and schools have come together virtually to promote the convenience and accessibility of eBooks. This day encourages readers to enjoy digital books anytime and anywhere, highlighting how eBooks make it easy to bring your favorite stories and authors with you, whether you’re at home, commuting, or traveling.

One of the best ways to celebrate is by borrowing an eBook from your library. With a simple tap, you can access thousands of titles 24/7, giving you an endless range of choices to explore. Whether you’re revisiting a beloved classic or trying something new, eBooks offer a world of possibilities at your fingertips.

Join the celebration by sharing what you’re reading on social media using the hashtag #ebookLove. This not only spreads the joy of digital reading but also connects you with a community of readers who enjoy the flexibility and fun of eBooks.

When Is Read an eBook Day Celebrated?

Read an eBook Day is celebrated annually on September 18. It’s the perfect day to explore the world of digital reading and enjoy the convenience of accessing your favorite books anytime, anywhere.

YearDay, Date
2024Wednesday, September 18
2025Thursday, September 18
2026Friday, September 18
2027Saturday, September 18
2028Monday, September 18
2029Tuesday, September 18
2030Wednesday, September 18
Read an eBook Day Dates

Did you know that there are 109 book-related national days, 26 full weeks of literary festivities, and 32 entire months dedicated to different aspects of reading and writing. These celebrations highlight the love of literature and the importance of storytelling throughout the year. Whether you’re passionate about novels, poetry, or literacy efforts, there’s always a reason to celebrate. You can explore the full list of these literary celebrations all on one page.

Five Ways to Celebrate Read an eBook Day

Read an eBook Day is the perfect opportunity to embrace digital storytelling and enjoy the convenience of reading anywhere, anytime. Here are five fun ways to make the most of this celebration!

  1. Borrow an eBook from Your Library
    Many libraries offer a vast collection of eBooks available for free borrowing. Download your favorite title or explore a new genre to enjoy on your device. With 24/7 access, you can discover thousands of books at the tap of a button—perfect for a quick read or a full day of reading!
  2. Explore a New Genre or Author
    Step out of your reading comfort zone by trying a genre or author you’ve never explored before. eBooks make it easy to sample different kinds of books without a big commitment. You might discover a new favorite!
  3. Host a Virtual eBook Discussion
    Gather some friends or fellow book lovers for an online discussion about the eBooks you’re reading. Use video calls, chat rooms, or social media to share your thoughts, favorite moments, and recommendations. This can be a fun way to connect with others over your love of reading, even from a distance.
  4. Participate in Social Media Using #ebookLove
    Share what you’re reading and join the conversation online using the hashtag #ebookLove. Connect with readers from around the world, exchange recommendations, and discover new eBooks to add to your reading list.
  5. Give eBooks as Gifts
    Celebrate the day by gifting a favorite eBook to a friend or family member. Many eBook platforms offer easy options for sending books as gifts. It’s a great way to share a story you love and introduce someone to the convenience of digital reading!

Before You Go:

We have many more national days lists for you to explore.

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National Days,

Last Update: September 15, 2024