December 4, 2024, is the 339th day of the year (340th in leap years), with 27 days left until the year’s end. Falling on a Wednesday in the 49th week, today features 13 national and international days that celebrate everything from culinary delights and entrepreneurship to conservation and teamwork. December 4 encourages us to reflect, appreciate, and enjoy the many observances that enrich this day.

National Days on December 4
December 4 National Days

Below is a list of all national and international days celebrated on December 4, each with a brief explanation.

Cabernet Franc Day: Created in 2015 by wine blogger Lori Budd, this day celebrates Cabernet Franc, a black grape used in blends like Bordeaux. Known as the “father” of Cabernet Sauvignon, its roots trace back to Cardinal Richelieu’s introduction of the vine to France’s Loire Valley. Wine lovers use this day to learn, sip, and savor.

🍷 Explore the complete list of 70+ wine-related national days and find the perfect occasions to raise a glass! 🥂🎉

Choose Women Wednesday* (Wednesday after Thanksgiving): Established by the Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Organization in 2014, this day promotes and uplifts women entrepreneurs globally. It encourages consumers to support women-owned businesses and recognizes their power in reducing poverty and driving change.

Extraordinary Work Team Recognition Day: First recognized by President George H.W. Bush in 1990, this day celebrates teamwork’s vital role in workplace success. By fostering collaboration and morale, extraordinary teams achieve remarkable results and strengthen their organizations.

International Cheetah Day: Founded in 2014 by the Cheetah Conservation Fund, this day raises awareness about the endangered cheetah. With fewer than 7,500 cheetahs remaining in the wild, the day highlights the importance of conservation efforts to protect the world’s fastest land animal.

International Day of Banks: Recognized by the UN in 2019, this day highlights the critical role of banks in financing sustainable development and improving global living standards. It underscores the potential of multilateral banks in addressing challenges and driving progress.

National Cookie Day: Created in 1987 by Matt Nader of the Blue Chip Cookie Company, this day celebrates everyone’s favorite sweet treat. Originating from Sesame Street’s 1976 calendar, cookies are enjoyed across the nation, with bakers whipping up delicious batches to share during the holiday season.

National Dice Day: Acknowledging the ancient gaming tool, this day celebrates the role of dice in entertainment and games. Dice have added fun and chance to gameplay for centuries, making them a timeless addition to family game nights.

National Package Protection Day* (Wednesday after Thanksgiving): Founded by in 2016, this day promotes awareness about securing deliveries during the holiday season. As online shopping surges, it reminds people to take precautions against package theft.

National Sock Day: Created in 2016 by Pair of Thieves, this day celebrates matched socks—a rarity in the laundry cycle. It also commemorates two historic events: the revival of On Your Toes on Broadway in 1954 and 1984, highlighting the quirky connection between socks and cultural milestones.

Santa’s List Day: A whimsical start to the holiday season, this day reminds kids to write their wish lists while Santa finalizes his naughty and nice list. It’s a festive nod to the joys of holiday traditions.

Wear Brown Shoes Day: A lighthearted holiday that invites everyone to slip on their favorite brown shoes, adding a fun twist to the day’s celebrations.

Wildlife Conservation Day: Founded in 2012 by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, this day raises awareness about protecting endangered species and combating wildlife crime. It emphasizes that once wildlife is gone, it cannot be replaced, urging global action to preserve the natural world.

Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting* (Wednesday after Thanksgiving): Since 1933, this iconic event marks the beginning of the holiday season. With live performances and millions of viewers, the tree lighting ceremony brings festive cheer to New York City and beyond.


➡️  Have you already seen DigitalHyyge’s National Days Calendars 2025?

➡️  Complete list of December National Days

➡️  Complete list of January National Days

➡️  Curious to see more national and international celebrations? We have dozens of national days lists curated for you!

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Last Update: December 3, 2024