Blogging is not always easy, but this selection of motivational quotes for bloggers by some of the world’s brightest minds sure makes it easier πŸ™‚ These motivational and positive quotes have been selected with bloggers and writers in mind. After all, all bloggers need motivation and inspiration sometimes. These quotes for bloggers – and writers in general – will help you when you’re feeling overwhelmed and need to regain that motivation you had when you started. We’ve all been there. You’re not alone. Enough talk, let’s get started!

Motivational Quotes For Bloggers

Blogging is more than just writing. That having been said, the writing is what makes or breaks a blog. If you don’t write, you don’t have content. Even in blogs where the focus is on pictures and photos writing is necessary. So my simple advice is this: focus on your writing and the rest will follow. Editing photos, using the right tools, figuring out how to do SEO and all the million other things involved in having a blog are NOT as important as your writing. They’re basically just window-dressing. So, let’s get started with the 10 blogging quotes about writing that you need in your life!

This list of quotes starts with one about integrity. Keep this one in mind when you feel like you are losing your way doing things others are doing. If you can’t stand behind your own words, why write at all? Always remember to be true to yourself and your readers. Faking can take a toll on you, so it’s often better to be open and honest.

Motivational Quotes For Bloggers
Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.

Our next quote is a straight-up excellent tip for starting bloggers: start with a question that you want to answer. If your blog post doesn’t answer any clear question at all, you probably need to rethink it. Bloggers should try to be helpful and answering questions is an integral part of that.

Motivational Quotes For Bloggers
I start with a question. Then I try to answer it.

Have you ever heard the expression “fake it ’til you make it”? Well, what if I told you that there is another way? Because there is another way. One that doesn’t require you to be anyone else, which can be tough. This other way is simple: just be yourself. Your personality can be an asset . Don’t hide it or try to downplay it – embrace it!

Motivational Quotes For Bloggers
Blogging is not rocket science. It’s about being yourself and putting what you have into it.

On this list of quotes for bloggers the next one is by the great Maya Angelou. Mrs. Angelou was an American poet and civil rights activist who authored an incredible number of quote-worthy words of wisdom. This is one of her more famous ones: “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”. This can obviously be interpreted in many different ways, but if we look at it from a blogger’s perspective, it seems to suggest that we should let our personal stories be heard and not be afraid of it. So, next time you have doubts about your writing and whether or not to share something, let this quote be your inspiration and motivation.

Motivational Quotes For Bloggers
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

By now, we have established that your own voice is the most important one to have in order to make an impact with your texts. Your style becomes your brand. What does this mean? It means that your competition doesn’t matter anymore, because you are not anymore competing with them: you are your own self who gets readers no matter what you competition does!

Motivational Quotes For Bloggers
When you brand yourself properly, the competition becomes irrelevant.

Apart from being one of the most successful writer of the 20th century – and still going strong in the 21st – Stephen King is an intellectual worth listening to if you intend to become a blog writer. This quote of his is deceptively simple: to write, you need to read a lot and write a lot. After all, what better way to learn than to study the ones who have mastered their art form?

The other part of the quote, which suggests that a lot of writing is needed to become a proper writer is one often repeated by not only the King of Horror himself, but many others as well and for good reason. If you don’t practise every day, there is no way that you get to the level you want to achieve. Some say that you should writer a minimum of 1000 words a day. Don’t stress about numbers too much, but keep in mind that practise makes perfect.

Motivational Quotes For Bloggers
If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all: read a lot and write a lot. – Stephen King

When you read a lot, you learn new words, which makes it possible for you to say the same thing in tens of different ways. For instance, instead of saying ‘very smooth’, use ‘sleek’, and so on. This makes your texts feel professional. Moreover, Thomas Jefferson will be proud of you.

Motivational Quotes For Bloggers
The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do. – Thomas Jefferson

Feeling like you never get to the point where you want to be? Don’t worry, you are on the right path. You’ll most likely never feel satisfied with how far you have come. That’s why it is important to set achievable goals for yourself that you can then tick off one at a time, thus feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Motivational Quotes For Bloggers
The road to success is always under construction. -Lily Tomlin

In the next quote, by Ben Nicholas, we are reminded that inspiration comes and goes, but real pros keep going no matter what. Not every post has to be perfect. Frankly speaking, most people won’t be able to tell if you were inspired while writing or not. Inspiration and motivation is obviously important, but mostly for you – others don’t see it or feel it. So keep telling yourself that what you are doing is good enough. Never stop believing in yourself, no matter how difficult it feels.

Motivational Quotes For Bloggers
If you wait for inspiration you’ll be standing on the corner after the parade is a mile down the street.

Starting seems to always be the most difficult, but after you’ve gotten started it gets easier. Try to follow Walt Disney’s advice and see what happens πŸ™‚

Motivational Quotes For Bloggers
The way to get started is to quit talking…and begin doing. -Walt Disney

We have established that getting started is difficult, yet necessary. But what should you do after that, when you have started writing? Many people are productive, write a blog post every day, but still don’t get the results they expected when they started.

Why then don’t we always get the results we expect? There are several potential reasons, ranging from SEO problems (not enough keywords, bad choice of keywords etc.) to a niche that is either too crowded or too small to bring enough traffic to your website. When you find yourselves in this situation, Seth Godin’s quote can be exactly what you need to hear. He made a conscious decision to write for his readers, ie. write about things that people are interested in, instead of things that HE is interested in. See, these two don’t always match. We are all unique and if your blog simply reflects your uniqueness then it might not be of interest to others.

So my tip for you is this: think about how you could angle your experiences so that it is possible for others to relate. For instance, ask your readers questions or write hooks that get your readers’ attention from the start.

Motivational Quotes For Bloggers
I made a decision to wrote for my readers, not to try to find more readers for my writing.

This quote for bloggers is from Brian Clark, who basically says what Godin said, just a bit more eloquently. A great blog is one that provides value to your reader. That’s it, that’s how simple it is.

Motivational Quotes For Bloggers
Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that is great for your readers. -Brian Clark

On a list of quotes for bloggers, one is bound to be from the great Jon Morrow. He continues where we left off. You can be smart in a number ways, but in Jon Morrow’s case, he is referring to writing about topics that can bring you results. In other words, do your keyword research and avoid the most common mistakes made by beginners. Writing for the sake of writing is good for your writing skills, but it might not improve your results if you don’t choose your topics wisely.

Motivational Quotes For Bloggers
Blogging is not about publishing as much as you can. It is about publishing as smart as you can.

Finally, don’t forget that every day is a new beginning; a new chance to start everything anew. It’s never too late to start over again.

Motivational Quotes For Bloggers
Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath, smile and start again.

Finally, if the previous ones weren’t enough, here are a few more amazingly motivating quotes for bloggers:

β€œIn order to succeed, we must first believe we can.” – Nikos Kazantzakis

β€œDo, or do not. There is no β€œtry”. – Yoda (Star Wars)

β€œDon’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want.” – 10 Things I Hate About You (movie)

“I’m not gonna give up, I’m not gonna stop, I’m gonna work harder.” – Destiny’s Child (“Survivor”) 

“In order to win you have to be different, great or first”. – Anonymous

“You’ve never met a successful person who didn’t start by feeling like a loser.” – Diane von Furstenberg

“Don’t wonder what will happen next, decide what happens next.” –@Soulpancake

Finally, I want to leave you with a quote I feel is true for everyone, blogger or not:

“Do what you love and they’ll love what you do.”

Which quote(s) inspired you the most? Leave a comment πŸ™‚

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Last Update: October 3, 2022