December 25, 2024, is Christmas Day, 359th day of the year (360th in leap years), with only 6 days remaining until the new year. While the holiday is largely focused on celebrating Christmas, there are also two national days to enjoy, offering a chance to relax and embrace traditions.

Below is a list of all national and international days celebrated on December 25, each with a brief explanation.

A’Phabet Day (No “L” Day): This clever pun on the word Noël invites humor into Christmas Day. Celebrated by pun enthusiasts, it’s a lighthearted nod to wordplay and creativity. Whether shared in jokes or on social media with #AphabetDay or #NoLDay, this day brings a playful twist to the holiday spirit.

Christmas Day: A global holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas Day is marked by gift-giving and time spent with loved ones. It’s a time for joy, reflection, and connection.

National Pumpkin Pie Day: Honoring the beloved dessert often served during the holiday season. As a symbol of harvest, pumpkin pie brings warmth and comfort to holiday tables across the United States.


➡️  Have you already seen DigitalHyyge’s National Days Calendars 2025?

➡️  Complete list of December National Days

➡️  Complete list of January National Days

➡️  Curious to see more national and international celebrations? We have dozens of national days lists curated for you!

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Last Update: December 20, 2024