In 2024, there are already over 4,000 official and (mostly) unofficial national days one can celebrate. In recent years, social media and digital platforms have played a significant role in popularizing a wide array of unofficial national days, making them an integral part of modern culture. There are food days like National Ice Cream Day and World Nutella Day (February 5), silly days like National Lazy Day (August 10) and important awareness days like World Humanitarian Day. 

But which days do people look for the most? One would expect man’s best friend to be popular (National Dog Day on August 26) or maybe National Coffee Day to universally loved, right? 

Well, they are popular. Just not as popular as the following five, according to Semrush. For the sake of this article, we used Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool and searched for two major keywords “national X day” and “when is national X day.” What follows are the five top results of these searches.

Top 5 National Days by Global Monthly Search Volume

The data presented here is sourced from Semrush and reflects the average number of global monthly searches for specific national days over the last 12 months. For a detailed breakdown and methodology, please refer to the end of the article.

1. National Girlfriend Day (464.0K Monthly Searches)

National Girlfriend Day

National Girlfriend Day, celebrated on August 1, is a day to show appreciation for girlfriends and the joy they bring to our lives. With a global monthly search volume of 464.0K, it’s the most popular national day. Interestingly, the search term “when is national girlfriend day” alone garners 81.2K global monthly searches, reflecting a significant interest in marking this occasion. In the US, it ranks second with 225.5K searches, highlighting its widespread significance.

2. National Boyfriend Day (418.7K Monthly Searches)

National Boyfriend Day

Observed on October 3, National Boyfriend Day is dedicated to appreciating boyfriends for their love and companionship. It garners a global monthly search volume of 418.7K, making it the second most popular day worldwide. The search query “when is national boyfriend day” alone attracts 104.2K global monthly searches. In the US, National Boyfriend Day ranks first, with 239K searches, showcasing its immense popularity among Americans.

3. National Daughters Day (149.6K Monthly Searches)

National Daughters Day

Celebrated on September 25, National Daughters Day is a day to honor and cherish daughters for their unique contributions to families. With 149.6K global monthly searches, it’s the third most popular national day. The search volume for “national daughters day” alone is 130.1K, with “when is national daughters day” adding another 19.5K. In the US, it ranks fifth, with a combined total of 108.6K searches.

4. National Sons Day (148.1K Monthly Searches)

National Sons Day

National Sons Day, on March 4th and September 28, celebrates the pride and happiness sons bring to their families. It has a global monthly search volume of 148.1K, ranking fourth in popularity worldwide. The search volume for “national sons day” is 119.5K, while “when is national sons day” contributes an additional 28.6K. In the US, it’s the third most searched day, with a combined total of 137.1K searches.

5. National Couples Day (127.5K Monthly Searches)

National Couples Day

National Couples Day, celebrated on August 18, is dedicated to honoring the bond and love shared between couples. With a global monthly search volume of 127.5K, it’s the fifth most popular day. The search term “national couples day” has 105.8K global searches, and “when is national couples day” adds another 21.7K. In the US, it ranks fourth, with a total of 92.1K searches, highlighting the importance of celebrating relationships.

Why Are These National Days So Popular?

These five national days — National Boyfriend Day, National Girlfriend Day, National Sons Day, National Couples Day, and National Daughters Day — highlight our deep-rooted human need for connection and appreciation within personal relationships. Their popularity underscores how much we value and cherish our loved ones. In a world that often feels fast-paced and disconnected, these days provide a moment to pause and celebrate the people who matter most to us. 

Still, it feels quite amazing that all top searches are for relationship days. Were you surprised as well? Leave a comment.


The data presented here is sourced from Semrush and reflects the average number of monthly searches for specific national days over the last 12 months. Two major keywords were considered: “national X day” and “when is national X day.” The table ranks the top 5 national days based on the combined total search volumes globally for these two keywords.

Top 5 National Days by Global and US Search Volume

RankNational DaySearch TermGlobal SearchesUS Searches
1National Girlfriend Daynational girlfriend day382.8K165.0K
when is national girlfriend day81.2K60.5K
Total Searches464.0K225.5K
2National Boyfriend Daynational boyfriend day314.5K165.0K
when is national boyfriend day104.2K74.0K
Total Searches418.7K239.0K
3National Daughters Daynational daughters day130.1K90.5K
when is national daughters day19.5K18.1K
Total Searches149.6K108.6K
4National Sons Daynational sons day119.5K110.0K
when is national sons day28.6K27.1K
Total Searches148.1K137.1K
5National Couples Daynational couples day105.8K74.0K
when is national couples day21.7K18.1K
Total Searches127.5K92.1K
Top 5 National Days by Global and US Search Volume. Data sourced from Semrush on 13th July 2024

Key Points:

  • Total Searches: Highlighting the total searches for easy identification of the most popular days.


  • National Boyfriend Day: Combined global monthly search volume is 418.7K, with 239K monthly searches in the US.
  • National Girlfriend Day: Combined global monthly search volume is 464.0K, with 225.5K monthly searches in the US.
  • National Sons Day: Combined global monthly search volume is 148.1K, with 137.1K monthly searches in the US.
  • National Couples Day: Combined global monthly search volume is 127.5K, with 92.1K monthly searches in the US.
  • National Daughters Day: Combined global monthly search volume is 149.6K, with 108.6K monthly searches in the US.

We have dozens of special national day lists curated for you! Check them out to find more fun days to celebrate.

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Last Update: September 1, 2024